Thursday, June 26, 2008

Metric system = some really nasty baking

How do you convert grams to cups? kilos to pounds? kilometers to miles?

Yeah, I don't know either. Valerie and I had our first try at baking from scratch in Argentina the other day. We thought we were doing everything right, but something went terribly wrong. The metric system is tricky! What was supposed to be a vanilla chocolate chip cake turned out to be spongy cornbread cake with chocolate chunks in it. It was so nasty! Bless the poor girls hearts who ate it and told us it was "muy rico" (very good).

I was able to redeem myself a little last night. I made cornbread for our Wednesday night cell group, and TA was a success. I don't know when I'll try my hand at baking again. The cornbread may have been a one-hit wonder. I'll keep you posted!

In other news, last night was our Wednesday night group. It is our English Bible study. I love this group of people. I look forward to seeing their faces in our home each Wednesday night and getting to study the Word together. Last night made me realize that we are becoming family. It has been over three weeks since I arrived here in BA, and the relationships I have formed with the people are growing each day. This truly is a home away from home! I do miss my family and friends and little things about my home in the USA, but there is nowhere else in the world I would rather be at this moment in time than here in Argentina! I know this is where God wants me to be and my soul rests in that! It is an incredible journey that I am grateful to be on each and every day. Thanks for coming along with me. There is still much more work to do and much more fun to be had here! answer the questions from the beginning (I tricked you--I really do know how to convert), 100g = 1/2 cup, there are 2.2 kilos to the pound, 1 kilometer=.62miles). So..there's really no excuse for my nasty cake! =(

(The pictures attached are of Catedral Nacional. It is beautiful!)

1 comment:

Spencer said...

Your posts make me so happy!!!

PS Those guy yall were playing pool with, are they from Caballito??