Saturday, July 12, 2008

Seven-fold Amen?? More like Two-fold.

Well, my friends, it has been an incredible weekend. Let me give you all a quick rundown of what has been going on here in the great city of Buenos Aires since I last posted.

In the morning, Valerie and I decided to run back to the house from the church building. It's about 30 or so city blocks, which sounds like a really long way. Val and I figured it was around 4 miles or so, but after running it, I realized that I think it is two miles at most. Not quite as big a feat as I thought it would be, but still a pleasant run.

Well, this was supposed to be our pre-teen lockin. As I have experience time and time again here in South America, most things don't go as planned. Due to illnesses and the end of the semester of school upon them (it's winter here, remember), most of the children were unable to make it. We decided to spend some time eating and playing games with the ones who did show up, but to send them home at 11:00 and postpone the event until the 25th of July. This is the beginning of the children's winter break so more of them are going to be able to attend. I was disappointed that we didn't get to have our event, but I'm looking forward to it in a couple of weeks. I was thankful to spend some time with one of the preteens, Ruth, who ended up spending the night at our house anyways.

This morning was the funeral for a church member and long-time friend of the family, Carlos Daniel. Valerie and I stayed at home with our sisters while Laura and Osvaldo attended the funeral. The mood in the house is gloomy and it's hard to see my new family grieve for their brother. Please pray for the family and church family of Carlos Daniel. It's going to be a time of deep hurting.

Tonight was one of the weekly youth Bible studies. We tried to sing "The Lord Bless You and Keep You". Boy, do I love this place, but the attempt to sing this song really made me miss good ole ACU. To give you an idea of what it sounded like: there was no bass part, Pedro was singing tenor, I was singing soprano, and Val was singing alto. There were some of the youth singing parts that didn't fit at all. Needless to say, it wasn't the most beautiful thing I'd ever heard, but I know God loved it all the same.

After the Bible study, we played soccer! Val and I were, of course, the only girls who played. Why do we continue to subject ourselves to these kinds of humiliating situations, you ask? My answer to that is "I have no clue". However, we stood our ground along with these machismo Argentine men. I scored a goal, and Val even stepped in as goalie for a bit and blocked about 5 attempts. You should all be proud of your little white girls! =)

After soccer, Valerie and I went with Pedro to McDonalds. We discovered that this was our seventh time at McDonalds since we've been here. It doesn't take a mathematician to know that that averages out to more than once a week. Ashamed? I think not! I gotta tell you..the Cuarto de Libra (quarter pounder) never gets old! We had a wonderful time talking to Pedro about how he ended up here in Argentina doing mission work and really got to know his heart for the people better. It was a blessing to sit and eat my burger and fries with our new best friend!

Well, tomorrow after church, Valerie and I are headed out to Mar del Plata. It is a beach town about 5 1/2 hours from Buenos Aires. We are venturing out into the great unknown by ourselves. I'm sure I will return with hilarious stories and exciting adventures. I'm sure you will all be waiting on the edges of your seats until I return Tuesday night. Pray for us, please!

Well that is all. I'm off to 2 am! =(

Peace. love. soccer superstars.


Spencer said...

1) Dario is freakin awesome. I love him.

2) It's good y'all are flexible. You would probably have already committed suicide if you weren't!!

3) I heart cuarto de libras.

4) Have fun in Mar de Plata!

Peace.Love. from Mexico City.

Anonymous said...

My heart is full (and royally entertained)as I read your blog. I can hardly wait to hear your tales of Argentina face to face upon your return home. What a fantastic, life changing experience you are having, and what a blessing you are to the people there! Your faith is growing by leaps and bounds. I am SO VERY proud of you. What a wonderful example you are! I love and miss you very much, and you are in my prayers.
