Thursday, October 2, 2008

Back to normal...

So...I thought I would stop blogging once I got back from Argentina, and for awhile (obviously) I did. Today, I decided that I wanted to update my blog. With my sister living so far away and so many "blog fans" (haha jk), I've decided I might should update this thing every once in awhile. So, two months after returning to my "normal life" in the states, here's whats going on!

I'm in my final semester of classes. I'll be student teaching next semester and then graduating in May. I'm working on all my final projects, my portfolio, and countless other assignments. On top of all that, I'm doing an internship. I get to go to a kindergarten classroom 3-4 times a week and spend time with the kids and even teach some lessons. It has been such an incredible experience! I am in a classroom of 22 children. Seven of the students are refugees from Africa and have limited English proficiency (how's that for professional language?). It has been such a joy to watch them as they adjust to the routines of school. It's hard to imagine being in school for the first time AND not understanding the language. It has challenged me and caused me to think about my future classroom and what kinds of accommodations I can make for English language learners. I'm loving every minute of it and nothing makes me more excited than when I see the lightbulb come on for one of these students!

I cannot WAIT to have a classroom of my own! It seems like such a long way off, but I know this time is going to fly by! Well, that's all for now! I know you blog readers are all excited that I'm back in cyberspace, but try not to count on this being an everyday occurrence! =)

1 comment:

Sallie said...

I check your blog often and was happy to find a new post! It's a great way to let others keep up with what's going on---thanks! MOM